Django Clean Architecture

Django Clean Architecture

In this post we will explain the approach to apply Clean Architecture in a Django Restful API backend project. It will be useful for this reading to be familiarized with Django and Django Rest Framework as well as with Clean Architecture.

Uncle Bob's Clean Architecture

In no case does this post intend to reject Django components and apps architecture, nor misuse it, but to propose an alternative software architecture for Django projects that may be more convenient in certain cases.

The Clean Architecture is an alternative pattern intended to reduce the cost of changes that may be useful in some contexts:

  • Easier and faster to build new features.
  • Less cost overhead for software development.
  • More independence of solution components meaning less refactoring.
  • Improved testability leading a better quality software.

These objectives are achieved by dividing the software into layers, each of them with its own concerns.

We will use as an example the code from Forex API backend. This application aims to provide information for all currencies, latest exchange rates and historical time series exchange rates for currency pairs, currency conversion and calculation of time-weighted rates. The explanation of the architecture is structured using the same layers in the diagram.

The code snippets used in this post have been taken from the source code repository of the corresponding project. The full code is available in the Github repository.

1. Entities Layer

This is the innermost layer where we define entities. These entities encapsulate our enterprise wide business logic and high level rules which are the least likely to change.


from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import date

class CurrencyEntity:
    code: str = None
    name: str = None
    symbol: str = None

class CurrencyExchangeRateEntity:
    source_currency: CurrencyEntity = None
    exchanged_currency: CurrencyEntity = None
    valuation_date: str = None
    rate_value: float = None

    def __post_init__(self):
        if self.valuation_date and isinstance(self.valuation_date, date):
            self.valuation_date = self.valuation_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
        if self.rate_value:
            self.rate_value = round(float(self.rate_value), 6)

    def calculate_amount(self, amount: float) -> float:
        return round(amount * self.rate_value, 2)

2. Use Cases Layer

The use cases, or interactors as we will call them, contain the application specific business rules for each use case. Therefore this layer contains all the application logic responsible of communicate with repositories, manage permissions, trigger side effects or handle exceptions.


import datetime
from typing import List

from domain.exchange_rate import CurrencyExchangeRateEntity

class CurrencyExchangeRateInteractor:

    def __init__(self, exchange_rate_repo: object):
        self.exchange_rate_repo = exchange_rate_repo

    def get(self, source_currency: str, exchanged_currency: str,
            valuation_date: str) -> CurrencyExchangeRateEntity:
        return self.exchange_rate_repo.get(
            source_currency, exchanged_currency, valuation_date)

    def get_time_series(self, source_currency: str, exchanged_currency: str,
                        date_from: str, date_to: str) -> List[CurrencyExchangeRateEntity]:
        return self.exchange_rate_repo.get_time_series(
            source_currency, exchanged_currency, date_from, date_to)

In this simple example the interactor is responsible for retrieving the storaged exchange rate information from the corresponding repository.

3. Interface Adapters Layer

This layer contains the pieces which are decoupled from the framework, like routes, controllers, serializers and repositories.

The repositories in this layer know about the data sources. They are responsible for selecting the data source, but do not access data directly.


from typing import List

from domain.exchange_rate import CurrencyExchangeRateEntity

class CurrencyExchangeRateRepository:

    def __init__(self, db_repo: object, cache_repo: object):
        self.db_repo = db_repo
        self.cache_repo = cache_repo

    def get(self, source_currency: str, exchanged_currency: str,
            valuation_date: str) -> CurrencyExchangeRateEntity:
        exchange_rate = self.cache_repo.get(
            source_currency, exchanged_currency, valuation_date)
        if not exchange_rate:
            exchange_rate = self.db_repo.get(
                source_currency, exchanged_currency, valuation_date)
        return exchange_rate

    def get_time_series(self, source_currency: str, exchanged_currency: str,
                        date_from: str, date_to: str) -> List[CurrencyExchangeRateEntity]:
        return self.db_repo.get_time_series(
            source_currency, exchanged_currency, date_from, date_to)

The controllers handle the REST API entry-points. In this case they follow Django's view structure but are completely decoupled from it. Each controller gets the needed interactors from a factory. They are responsible of parsing and/or validating the input data, calling the use cases and formating the output result or error with the defined serializers.


import logging
from http import HTTPStatus
from typing import Tuple

from domain.exchange_rate import CurrencyExchangeRateEntity
from interface.controllers.utils import calculate_exchanged_amount
from interface.repositories.exceptions import EntityDoesNotExist
from interface.serializers.exchange_rate import (
    CurrencyExchangeRateAmountSerializer, CurrencyExchangeRateConvertSerializer)
from usecases.exchange_rate import CurrencyExchangeRateInteractor
from usecases.provider import ProviderClientInteractor

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class CurrencyExchangeRateController:

    def __init__(self, exchange_rate_interactor: CurrencyExchangeRateInteractor,
                 provider_client_interactor: ProviderClientInteractor):
        self.exchange_rate_interactor = exchange_rate_interactor
        self.provider_client_interactor = provider_client_interactor

    def convert(self, params: dict) -> Tuple[dict, int]:'Converting currency for params: %s', str(params))
        data = CurrencyExchangeRateConvertSerializer().load(params)
        if 'errors' in data:
            logger.error('Error deserializing params: %s', str(data['errors']))
            return data, HTTPStatus.BAD_REQUEST.value
        amount = data.pop('amount')
            exchange_rate = self.exchange_rate_interactor.get_latest(**data)
        except EntityDoesNotExist as err:
            exchange_rate = self.provider_client_interactor.fetch_data(
                'exchange_rate_convert', **data)
            if not isinstance(exchange_rate, CurrencyExchangeRateEntity):
                logger.error('Failure converting currency: %s', err.message)
                return {'error': err.message}, HTTPStatus.NOT_FOUND.value
        exchanged_amount = calculate_exchanged_amount(exchange_rate, amount)'Currency successfully converted: %s', str(exchanged_amount))
        return (


from marshmallow import Schema, fields
from marshmallow.decorators import post_load
from marshmallow.exceptions import ValidationError

class CurrencyExchangeRateConvertSerializer(Schema):
    source_currency = fields.String(required=True)
    exchanged_currency = fields.String(required=True)
    amount = fields.Float(required=True)

    def load(self, data: dict) -> dict:
            data = super().load(data)
        except ValidationError as err:
            data = {'errors': err.messages}
        return data

    def make_upper_code(self, data: dict, **kwargs) -> dict:
        data['source_currency'] = data['source_currency'].upper()
        data['exchanged_currency'] = data['exchanged_currency'].upper()
        return data

class CurrencyExchangeRateAmountSerializer(Schema):
    exchanged_currency = fields.String(required=True)
    exchanged_amount = fields.Float(required=True)
    rate_value = fields.Float(required=True)


from domain.core.routing import Route, Router
from interface.controllers.exchange_rate import CurrencyExchangeRateController

exchange_rate_router = Router()

4. Infrastructure Layer

This is the outermost layer on which the code related to those parts to abstract their implementations is placed, that is the framework, in our case Django and Django Rest Framework, and the drivers for third party services.

In our example, we have three main parts which are the api server, the repositories (database and cache), and the clients.

This is the only layer that knows all about data sources and is responsible of the correct communication with them. For the postgres relational database we have created a repository tied to Django ORM.


from django.db import models

class Currency(models.Model):
    code = models.CharField(max_length=3, primary_key=True, unique=True)
    name = models.CharField(max_length=50, blank=True, null=True)
    symbol = models.CharField(max_length=1, blank=True, null=True)

    class Meta:
        verbose_name = 'currency'
        verbose_name_plural = 'currencies'
        ordering = ('code',)

class CurrencyExchangeRate(models.Model):
    source_currency = models.ForeignKey(
        Currency, db_index=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='exchanges')
    exchanged_currency = models.ForeignKey(
        Currency, db_index=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
    valuation_date = models.DateField(db_index=True)
    rate_value = models.DecimalField(decimal_places=6, max_digits=18)

    class Meta:
        verbose_name = 'currency exchange rate'
        verbose_name_plural = 'currency exchange rates'
        ordering = ('-valuation_date', 'source_currency')


from typing import List

from domain.exchange_rate import CurrencyExchangeRateEntity
from infrastructure.orm.db.exchange_rate.models import CurrencyExchangeRate
from interface.repositories.exceptions import EntityDoesNotExist

class CurrencyExchangeRateDatabaseRepository:

    def get(self, source_currency: str, exchanged_currency: str,
            valuation_date: str) -> CurrencyExchangeRateEntity:
        exchange_rate = CurrencyExchangeRate.objects.filter(
            'source_currency', 'exchanged_currency', 'valuation_date', 'rate_value'
        if not exchange_rate:
            raise EntityDoesNotExist(
                f'Exchange rate {source_currency}/{exchanged_currency} '
                f'for {valuation_date} does not exist')
        return CurrencyExchangeRateEntity(**exchange_rate)

    def get_time_series(self, source_currency: str, exchanged_currency: str,
                        date_from: str, date_to: str) -> List[CurrencyExchangeRateEntity]:
        timeseries = CurrencyExchangeRate.objects.filter(
            valuation_date__range=[date_from, date_to]
            'source_currency', 'exchanged_currency', 'valuation_date', 'rate_value')
        return list(map(lambda x: CurrencyExchangeRateEntity(**x), timeseries))

As we can see, both the returned entity and the raised exception are custom designed objects, thus we hide all the Django ORM details.

For the Django views we define a view wrapper to hide the business logic details and decouple our views from the framework. With this view wrapper we achieve two main goals:

  • Convert the incoming request data to pure Python objects.
  • Format response so the view also returns pure Python objects.

As we will see later, the corresponding factory handles the creation of the view with all its dependencies.


from rest_framework.request import Request
from rest_framework.response import Response
from rest_framework.viewsets import ViewSet

from interface.controllers.exchange_rate import CurrencyExchangeRateController

class CurrencyExchangeRateViewSet(ViewSet):
    viewset_factory = None

    def controller(self) -> CurrencyExchangeRateController:
        return self.viewset_factory.create()

    def convert(self, request: Request, *args, **kwargs) -> Response:
        query_params = request.query_params
        payload, status = self.controller.convert(query_params)
        return Response(data=payload, status=status)

In this layer we also encounter the rest of the components related to Django and Django Rest Framework like routes, urls, migrations, settings, admin,... Then, as we can see, this layer is completely coupled to Django framework and other third party libraries like Redis for cache or Celery for running asynchronous tasks.


from rest_framework.routers import SimpleRouter, Route

from infrastructure.factories.exchange_rates import CurrencyExchangeRateViewSetFactory
from interface.routes.exchange_rate import exchange_rate_router

class CurrencyExchangeRateRouter(SimpleRouter):
    routes = [
            initkwargs={'viewset_factory': CurrencyExchangeRateViewSetFactory},


from django.conf.urls import include
from django.urls import path

from infrastructure.api.routes.exchange_rate.routers import CurrencyExchangeRateRouter
from infrastructure.api.views.exchange_rate import CurrencyExchangeRateViewSet

exchange_rate_router = CurrencyExchangeRateRouter()
    '', viewset=CurrencyExchangeRateViewSet, basename='exchange-rate')

urlpatterns = [
    path('', include(exchange_rate_router.urls))

Now, the way we join all the described layers is by dependency injection. We achieve this defining factories which are in charge of solving these dependencies recursively, giving the responsability of each element to its own factory resolver.


from infrastructure.factories.provider import ProviderClientInteractorFactory
from infrastructure.orm.cache.exchange_rate.repositories import CurrencyExchangeRateCacheRepository
from infrastructure.orm.db.exchange_rate.repositories import CurrencyExchangeRateDatabaseRepository
from interface.controllers.exchange_rate import CurrencyExchangeRateController
from interface.repositories.exchange_rate import CurrencyExchangeRateRepository
from usecases.exchange_rate import CurrencyExchangeRateInteractor

class CurrencyExchangeRateDatabaseRepositoryFactory:

    def get() -> CurrencyExchangeRateDatabaseRepository:
        return CurrencyExchangeRateDatabaseRepository()

class CurrencyExchangeRateCacheRepositoryFactory:

    def get() -> CurrencyExchangeRateCacheRepository:
        return CurrencyExchangeRateCacheRepository()

class CurrencyExchangeRateRepositoryFactory:

    def get() -> CurrencyExchangeRateRepository:
        db_repo = CurrencyExchangeRateDatabaseRepositoryFactory.get()
        cache_repo = CurrencyExchangeRateCacheRepositoryFactory.get()
        return CurrencyExchangeRateRepository(db_repo, cache_repo)

class CurrencyExchangeRateInteractorFactory:

    def get() -> CurrencyExchangeRateInteractor:
        exchange_rate_repo = CurrencyExchangeRateRepositoryFactory.get()
        return CurrencyExchangeRateInteractor(exchange_rate_repo)

class CurrencyExchangeRateViewSetFactory:

    def create() -> CurrencyExchangeRateController:
        exchange_rate_interactor = CurrencyExchangeRateInteractorFactory.get()
        provider_client_interactor = ProviderClientInteractorFactory.get()
        return CurrencyExchangeRateController(exchange_rate_interactor, provider_client_interactor)

As a flexible platform Forex API backend is designed to use several external providers to retrieve and store daily currency exchange rates. The decision of which third party provider to use, among those available, depends on a priority criteria that has each provider in the platform following a fallback strategy managed by a master driver for providers. Therefore, in this layer we also put the code related to drivers for the integration with third party services.


from http import HTTPStatus
from typing import Any, List

from domain.provider import ProviderEntity
from infrastructure.clients.provider.base import ProviderBaseDriver
from infrastructure.clients.provider.utils import get_available_drivers
from usecases.provider import ProviderInteractor

class ProviderMasterDriver:
    ACTIONS = {
        'currency_get': 'get_currencies',
        'currency_list': 'get_currencies',
        'exchange_rate_calculate_twr': 'get_time_series',
        'exchange_rate_convert': 'get_exchange_rate',
        'exchange_rate_list': 'get_time_series',

    def __init__(self, provider_interactor: ProviderInteractor):
        self.provider_interactor = provider_interactor
        self.drivers = get_available_drivers()

    def providers(self) -> List[ProviderEntity]:
        return self.provider_interactor.get_by_priority()

    def _get_driver_class(self, provider: ProviderEntity) -> ProviderBaseDriver:
        driver_name = provider.driver
        return self.drivers.get(driver_name)

    def _get_driver_by_priority(self) -> ProviderBaseDriver:
        for provider in self.providers:
            driver_class = self._get_driver_class(provider)
            yield driver_class(provider)

    def fetch_data(self, action: str, **kwargs: dict) -> Any:
        error = 'Unable to fetch data from remote server'
        for driver in self._get_driver_by_priority():
            method = getattr(driver, self.ACTIONS.get(action))
                response = method(**kwargs)
            except Exception as err:
                error = err
                if response:
            response = {
                'error': error.message if hasattr(
                    error, 'message') else str(error),
                'status_code': error.code if hasattr(
                    error, 'code') else HTTPStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.value
        return response

More on Github:


Django is designed with a default way of doing things and a Django project itself is a collection of apps which are self-contained packages with all the logic to do just one thing. The objective of the Clean Architecture is the separation of concerns which is achieved by dividing the software into layers, each of them depending on the inner layers thanks to dependency injection. This alternative architecture produces software that is independent of frameworks, more testable, independent of web UI, databases or any external agency.

I hope you enjoyed this post.

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